TYPO3 13.4.8

Release Notes

Version 13.4.8

Release Notes for TYPO3 CMS 13.4.8

This document contains information about TYPO3 CMS 13.4.8 which was released on 18.03.2025.

Get TYPO3 13.4.8 now


This version is a bugfix and maintenance release.

Read TYPO3 13.4.8 Release News

Checksums of TYPO3 13.4.8


f851dc46e54d3997c5de16133a41d32283ccc49049882a4d8b97a60e87aa02cf typo3_src-13.4.8.tar.gz
6e3be1c58a2f4173c5d973ee90d9f13fd27db0f04e3939984f144240e6814022 typo3_src-13.4.8.zip


8a0def2bcc2cfe89f1e50584ad53e08d03ef779b typo3_src-13.4.8.tar.gz
5403d6bcf655228717410d3f80769f989068fda7 typo3_src-13.4.8.zip


2298e81b0b20fb95d67b62b4d15c53ee typo3_src-13.4.8.tar.gz
93b5741f1f5ff3da8f003768bb20f3ed typo3_src-13.4.8.zip

Package Signatures

TYPO3 Release Packages (the downloadable tarballs and zip files) as well as Git tags are signed using PGP signatures during the automated release process. Besides that, MD5 and SHA2-256 hashes are being generated for these files. Find more details on verifying signatures and hashes in the infrastructure guide.

Download GPG signed release README.md file

Example of verifying integrity of tar.gz package of current release:

wget --content-disposition https://get.typo3.org/13.4.8/tar.gz
wget --content-disposition https://get.typo3.org/13.4.8/tar.gz.sig
gpg --verify typo3_src-13.4.8.tar.gz.sig typo3_src-13.4.8.tar.gz


The usual upgrading procedure applies. No database updates are necessary. It might be required to clear all caches; the "important actions" section in the TYPO3 Install Tool offers the accordant possibility to do so.


Here is a list of what was fixed since 13.4.7:

  • 2025-03-18 de106ebee1e [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 13.4.8 (thanks to Oliver Hader)
  • 2025-03-18 78024ac366a [BUGFIX] Fix race conditions in childnode querying custom elements (thanks to Benjamin Franzke)
  • 2025-03-18 96c2c9dbb17 [BUGFIX] Dispatch multiRecordSelection:checkbox:state:changed once (thanks to Andreas Kienast)
  • 2025-03-18 1d2e82384e6 [TASK] Use abstract docs.typo3.org linking service method (thanks to Garvin Hicking)
  • 2025-03-17 c45a63b0311 [BUGFIX] Ensure internal fields can be used in label_alt (thanks to Benni Mack)
  • 2025-03-17 27905d5bfff [DOCS] Enhance Extbase ViewInterface deprecation changelog (thanks to Stefan Froemken)
  • 2025-03-17 c3e5f7505d9 [BUGFIX] Handle relative links with / as internal links (thanks to Georg Ringer)
  • 2025-03-17 f9e0ad4763e [BUGFIX] Ensure successful login even if Email Notification fails (thanks to Benni Mack)
  • 2025-03-17 0a625cc61cd [BUGFIX] Fix timezone offset in scheduler start/end fields (thanks to Benjamin Franzke)
  • 2025-03-16 1dc0b137300 [BUGFIX] File list: Use form action as return url (thanks to Andreas Kienast)
  • 2025-03-13 a85f721ce22 [DOCS] Move extended Fluid cObject examples into Fluid Reference (thanks to Lina Wolf)
  • 2025-03-12 b92e8e625f0 [BUGFIX] Avoid exception in folder browser if there is no selected folder (thanks to Markus Klein)
  • 2025-03-12 3abfcfbdb60 [BUGFIX] Make "Move page" wizard context aware (thanks to Andreas Kienast)
  • 2025-03-12 a7553ce2228 [TASK] Set TYPO3 version to 13.4.8-dev (thanks to Benni Mack)