TYPO3 11.5.11

Release Notes

Version 11.5.11

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Release Notes for TYPO3 CMS 11.5.11

This document contains information about TYPO3 CMS 11.5.11 which was released on 14.06.2022.

Get TYPO3 11.5.11 now

Checksums of TYPO3 11.5.11


62527daaa3a0ec260d7abd509336a81ddc2efe3a9a0bc6f830a660ae59cc0375 typo3_src-11.5.11.tar.gz
294e17c1d4659210e68abbd6c12796141595736c2d294442faf5bedf697ccd9a typo3_src-11.5.11.zip


3919b3fdc59155d2f86c4a0cf78b60984a82091a typo3_src-11.5.11.tar.gz
7f0117a5c6b560a8be9abb6bd80b3f210659c665 typo3_src-11.5.11.zip


b6bc16385c82b8a7580abf578fbba976 typo3_src-11.5.11.tar.gz
b2de3d189bc007c0dd3720e732a263e2 typo3_src-11.5.11.zip

Package Signatures

TYPO3 Release Packages (the downloadable tarballs and zip files) as well as Git tags are signed using PGP signatures during the automated release process. Besides that, MD5 and SHA2-256 hashes are being generated for these files. Find more details on verifying signatures and hashes in the infrastructure guide.

Download GPG signed release README.md file

Example of verifying integrity of tar.gz package of current release:

wget --content-disposition https://get.typo3.org/11.5.11/tar.gz
wget --content-disposition https://get.typo3.org/11.5.11/tar.gz.sig
gpg --verify typo3_src-11.5.11.tar.gz.sig typo3_src-11.5.11.tar.gz


The usual upgrading procedure applies. No database updates are necessary. It might be required to clear all caches; the "important actions" section in the TYPO3 Install Tool offers the accordant possibility to do so.


Here is a list of what was fixed since 11.5.10:

  • 2022-06-14 7396e8fe58 [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 11.5.11 (thanks to Oliver Hader)
  • 2022-06-14 1b68d0fad1 [SECURITY] Synchronize admin tools session with backend user session (thanks to Oliver Hader)
  • 2022-06-14 479363285c [SECURITY] Avoid HTML injection in password recovery mail (thanks to Andreas Fernandez)
  • 2022-06-14 3b16f03685 [SECURITY] Ensure text preview of multivalue items in form editor (thanks to Gabe Troyan)
  • 2022-06-14 fb542d43c7 [SECURITY] Do not log stacktrace in exception handlers (thanks to Torben Hansen)
  • 2022-06-14 f4dd6171dd [SECURITY] Restrict export functionality to allowed users (thanks to Torben Hansen)
  • 2022-06-13 24cde96a37 [BUGFIX] Update guzzlehttp/guzzle to 7.4.4 (thanks to Torben Hansen)
  • 2022-06-11 979ce508c2 [BUGFIX] Wait for element in page tree to disappear (thanks to Jochen Roth)
  • 2022-06-11 351d751ac1 [BUGFIX] Enable login refresh form submit via ENTER key (thanks to Markus Klein)
  • 2022-06-11 6037ce31c7 [TASK] Extend 'runTests.sh' to clean rendered documentation (thanks to Stefan Bürk)
  • 2022-06-10 199e0da3ed [TASK] Add support for PHP8.2 to Build/Scripts/runTests.sh (thanks to Stefan Bürk)
  • 2022-06-10 56c8c01e79 [TASK] Avoid failing test value for PHP 8.1.7 strtotime bug (thanks to Oliver Klee)
  • 2022-06-10 7f0af212a6 [BUGFIX] Use moment.unix for visualizing regular unix timestamps (thanks to Oliver Hader)
  • 2022-06-10 73637a4d21 [BUGFIX] Throw 404 error when XML sitemap is not available (thanks to Chris Müller)
  • 2022-06-09 1708cda896 [BUGFIX] Apply empty values in language-overlay (thanks to André Buchmann)
  • 2022-06-09 b87b55073a [TASK] Resolve more dead code paths (thanks to Larry Garfield)
  • 2022-06-07 3cd23569ff [TASK] Remove type annotations where possible (thanks to Simon Schaufelberger)
  • 2022-06-07 dd3d8e3839 [BUGFIX] Avoid invalid type exception in FinisherVariableProvider (thanks to Josua Vogel)
  • 2022-06-06 0fc75be1c8 [TASK] Solve several phpstan issues in GifBuilder (thanks to Simon Schaufelberger)
  • 2022-06-06 9a493fd14a [BUGFIX] Fix randomly failing PageTreeFilterCest (thanks to Simon Schaufelberger)
  • 2022-06-06 5725ca4582 [BUGFIX] Avoid type error when importing content (thanks to Chris Müller)
  • 2022-06-06 5a522bca9b [TASK] Drop PhpStorm meta configuration for getAccessibleMock & friends (thanks to Oliver Klee)
  • 2022-06-05 2f48dd8298 [BUGFIX] Align translation prefix handling in DataMapProcessor (thanks to Oliver Bartsch)
  • 2022-06-04 d198c60ab7 [BUGFIX] Respect ordering in pagination of redirect module (thanks to Georg Ringer)
  • 2022-06-04 a2c1edc0c1 [BUGFIX] Fix crashes for current and getInfo on empty storages (thanks to Oliver Klee)
  • 2022-06-03 7a637e8186 [BUGFIX] Use configuration context for placeholders in YAML import (thanks to Sascha Egerer)
  • 2022-06-03 a082c36475 [BUGFIX] Ensure proper value when accessing array (thanks to Marc Willmann)
  • 2022-06-03 9a2413912d [BUGFIX] Use correct check for disabled field in DataHandler (thanks to Georg Ringer)
  • 2022-06-03 157930db88 [TASK] Align the test field annotations with the testing framework (thanks to Oliver Klee)
  • 2022-06-03 6957bb32ce [BUGFIX] Late bind drag uploader (thanks to Andreas Fernandez)
  • 2022-06-03 015b1089d4 [TASK] Raise to recent moment & moment-timezone versions (thanks to Oliver Hader)
  • 2022-06-02 75350789a6 [TASK] Improve a type annotation in the setup extension (thanks to Oliver Klee)
  • 2022-06-02 9c9b119fa5 [TASK] Raise to recent composer/composer 2.2 version (thanks to Oliver Hader)
  • 2022-05-31 990da16a41 [BUGFIX] Make schedulable commands field identifiers unique (thanks to Oliver Bartsch)
  • 2022-05-31 244ab0fd68 [TASK] Note nullable parameters and returns as such (thanks to Larry Garfield)
  • 2022-05-30 a368cde810 [TASK] Fix wrong indentation in Context class (thanks to Torben Hansen)
  • 2022-05-30 682f28f3d9 [TASK] Update PHPStan to version 1.7.3 (thanks to Oliver Klee)
  • 2022-05-30 25c4689afe [TASK] Make the return type of GeneralUtility::tempnam more specific (thanks to Oliver Klee)
  • 2022-05-29 156fee7038 [BUGFIX] Resolve a stray strpos call (thanks to Larry Garfield)
  • 2022-05-28 58ba749f69 [BUGFIX] Mark nullable properties in EXT:core as such (thanks to Oliver Klee)
  • 2022-05-28 2a0fa205b0 [TASK] Remove dead code paths identified by PHPStan (thanks to Larry Garfield)
  • 2022-05-28 72ba9ce531 [TASK] Update copyright year in README.md and INSTALL.md (thanks to Torben Hansen)
  • 2022-05-27 e16e68fb62 [DOCS] Streamline felogin documentation (thanks to Chris Müller)
  • 2022-05-27 20d5b3dced [BUGFIX] Update guzzlehttp/guzzle to 7.4.3 (thanks to Andreas Fernandez)
  • 2022-05-25 e16fd7cba6 [BUGFIX] Fix typolink parameter stdWrap when using additional info (thanks to Felix Nagel)
  • 2022-05-25 b270a6bbb3 [BUGFIX] Disable toggle all action in multi record selection (thanks to Oliver Bartsch)
  • 2022-05-25 58938ec06a [BUGFIX] Prevent TypeError in ActionController (thanks to Oliver Bartsch)
  • 2022-05-25 d2e31772c8 [BUGFIX] Properly handle shortcuts for creating new records (thanks to Oliver Bartsch)
  • 2022-05-25 92eb44776b [BUGFIX] Prevent undefined array key warnings in RecordHistory (thanks to Oliver Bartsch)
  • 2022-05-25 dbdd8bf6f4 [TASK] Simplify code in ConjunctionValidator (thanks to Larry Garfield)
  • 2022-05-25 e5616696b2 [BUGFIX] Take dev mode into account for package hash (thanks to Helmut Hummel)
  • 2022-05-25 233b80cd22 [BUGFIX] Avoid undefined array key warnings in GifBuilder (thanks to Simon Schaufelberger)
  • 2022-05-24 75041196c1 [BUGFIX] Prevent undefined array key warning when fetching session data (thanks to Rudy Gnodde)
  • 2022-05-24 fa8187d525 [BUGFIX] Fix typo in description for BE.compressionLevel (thanks to Torben Hansen)
  • 2022-05-23 e78645bc52 [TASK] Avoid method_exists() for phpunit 8 compat (thanks to Christian Kuhn)
  • 2022-05-23 c5fd499d15 [TASK] Raise typo3/testing-framework:^6.16.5 (thanks to Stefan Bürk)
  • 2022-05-23 de0ce374c3 [TASK] Update PHPStan to version 1.7.0 (thanks to Oliver Klee)
  • 2022-05-23 7275e8e16e [TASK] Raise phpstan/phpstan:^1.6.9 (thanks to Stefan Bürk)
  • 2022-05-20 4ec2656464 [TASK] Note more nullable properties and parameters (thanks to Larry Garfield)
  • 2022-05-20 0142030731 [BUGFIX] Use correct time format in from and to filter (thanks to Simon Schaufelberger)
  • 2022-05-20 c786536da2 [BUGFIX] Use plugin icon in content element preview (thanks to Torben Hansen)
  • 2022-05-20 96ca05d8e9 [BUGFIX] Resolve type issues in SemaphoreLockStrategy (thanks to Larry Garfield)
  • 2022-05-20 0fa97aac86 [BUGFIX] Show missing total amount and time of sql queries (thanks to Christoph Lehmann)
  • 2022-05-19 e2df44f79d [DOCS] Remove outdated note in fluid_styled_content (thanks to Sybille Peters)
  • 2022-05-19 f04d8ea609 [DOCS] Use correct middleware name 'typo3/cms-frontend/authentication' (thanks to Stephan Großberndt)
  • 2022-05-17 e80a816bce [TASK] Use more ::class notation for class names in tests (thanks to Oliver Klee)
  • 2022-05-17 252a0e9edc [TASK] Resolve PHPStan issues in AbstractRecycleTestCase (thanks to Larry Garfield)
  • 2022-05-16 50e62cdfd5 [BUGFIX] Stop mocking classes that do not exist (thanks to Oliver Klee)
  • 2022-05-13 09264fed11 [TASK] Address phpstan "Expression on left side of ??" errors (thanks to Larry Garfield)
  • 2022-05-13 e1f1f6650a [BUGFIX] Fix type warnings in the workspaces ActionHandler (thanks to Oliver Klee)
  • 2022-05-13 f03bfb4bc8 [BUGFIX] Prevent undefined array key warning in CleanFlexFormsCommand (thanks to Oliver Bartsch)
  • 2022-05-13 5090ac55d9 [BUGFIX] Exclude doktypes in SiteConfiguration (thanks to Jochen Roth)
  • 2022-05-12 da9c87ad52 [DOCS] Remove duplicate number sign (thanks to Česlav Przywara)
  • 2022-05-12 4abc44fc01 [DOCS] Correct naming of UI label (thanks to rintisch)
  • 2022-05-12 91f1260bd7 [BUGFIX] Correct TCA title in ext:blogexample dateexample (thanks to Christian Kuhn)
  • 2022-05-11 ff77273df6 [TASK] Raise lolli42/finediff:^1.0.1 (thanks to Christian Kuhn)
  • 2022-05-10 9c7c2b490f [DOCS] Fix typo in rte_ckeditor docs (thanks to Georg Ringer)
  • 2022-05-10 05d9d60710 [BUGFIX] Fix undefined array key in TemplateService (thanks to David Gurk)
  • 2022-05-10 d9a01b9bde [TASK] Set TYPO3 version to 11.5.11-dev (thanks to Oliver Hader)