TYPO3 4.2.15

Release Notes

Version 4.2.15

This version is not supported anymore.

The TYPO3 CMS community supported from 2009-07-03 until 2009-11-30. Extended security & compatibility support (ELTS) expired on 2012-11-30.

Please consider updating to a newer version.

Release Notes for TYPO3 4.2.15

This document contains information about TYPO3 version 4.2.15 which was released on October 6, 2010.


This release is a combined bugfix and security release.


Due to several security issues found in the TYPO3 Core, there was a combined release of TYPO3 4.2.15, 4.3.7 and 4.4.4.\ Find more details in the security bulletin: <https://typo3.org/teams/security/security-bulletins/typo3-sa-2010-020/&gt;



MD5 checksums

ab4028fbf28be87c40de4a032bc6b06d  dummy-4.2.15.tar.gz
6bc61a98ea226a19f873ff86b5421796  dummy-4.2.15.zip
4411919947516dff193e22e21d9be977  typo3_src-4.2.15.tar.gz
c31979410e4cc3c4733c3609175ea264  typo3_src-4.2.15.zip
b594d592ca5c886207d599aadd57ade6  typo3_src+dummy-4.2.15.zip


The usual upgrading procedure applies; no database updates are necessary.


2010-10-06  Oliver Hader  &lt;oliver@typo3.org&gt;

    * Release of TYPO3 4.2.15

2010-10-06  Oliver Hader  &lt;oliver@typo3.org&gt;

    * Fixed bug #13650: Information disclosure in sys_actions (DB mount, usergroups) (thanks to Georg Ringer)
    * Fixed bug #15461: RemoveXSS exposes XSS vulnerability for double encoded characters (thanks to Marcus Krause)
    * Fixed bug #15728: Extension Manager allows to download arbitrary files beyond PATH_site or rootpath (thanks to Marcus Krause)
    * Fixed bug #15729: Sysext setup&#039;s user simulation is susceptible to XSS (thanks to Marcus Krause)
    * Fixed bug #15733: Admin Panel is susceptible to XSS (thanks to Helmut Hummel)
    * Fixed bug #15898: It is (still) possible to download arbitrary files through the jumpurl feature (thanks to Helmut Hummel and Marcus Krause)

2010-09-24  Steffen Gebert  &lt;steffen@steffen-gebert.de&gt;

    * Fixed bug #5983: Undefined variable is used in t3lib_BEfunc::exec_foreign_table_where_query

2010-09-24  Ernesto Baschny  &lt;ernst@cron-it.de&gt;

    * Fixed bug #15653: Only show upload comments that are newer than installed version in update function of EM

2010-09-19  Oliver Hader  &lt;oliver@typo3.org&gt;

    * Fixed bug #8260: Update Wizard in install tool force temp-configuration files and load configuration twice

2010-09-19  Benjamin Mack  &lt;benni@typo3.org&gt;

    * Fixed bug #3908: DisplayCond =&gt; VERSION:IS:false always returns true (Thanks to Daniel Poetzinger)

2010-08-12  Steffen Kamper  &lt;steffen@typo3.org&gt;

    * Fixed bug #3819: t3lib_div::getIndpEnv(&#039;TYPO3_DOCUMENT_ROOT&#039;) delivers wrong value in Backend