TYPO3 4.3.8

Release Notes

Version 4.3.8

This version is not supported anymore.

The TYPO3 CMS community supported from 2009-11-30 until 2010-06-22. Extended security & compatibility support (ELTS) expired on 2013-06-22.

Please consider updating to a newer version.

Release Notes for TYPO3 4.3.8

This document contains information about TYPO3 version 4.3.8 which was released on October 12, 2010.


This version is a maintenance release and contains only bugfixes. Since the latest security releases contained one regression, this new release aims to be a stable package again.


This version is a maintenance release and contains bugfixes only.



MD5 checksums

d5eb0ed0f58b409b30fdb2c55739d59a  dummy-4.3.8.tar.gz
c6ef50ebe1645693010cd141ea42039f  dummy-4.3.8.zip
3081f2fd3f31f70c297d37501c34ed62  typo3_src-4.3.8.tar.gz
c6c61cad722b7c90608663f79434ee90  typo3_src-4.3.8.zip
16e4e35c1571d4da6782994d4ade1eac  typo3_src+dummy-4.3.8.zip


The usual upgrading procedure applies; no database updates are necessary.


2010-10-12  Oliver Hader  &lt;oliver@typo3.org&gt;

    * Release of TYPO3 4.3.8

2010-10-11  Steffen Kamper  &lt;steffen@typo3.org&gt;

    * Fixed bug #12376: typo3temp got filled with thousands of javascript_* files (Thanks to Georg Ringer)

2010-10-10  Steffen Kamper  &lt;steffen@typo3.org&gt;

    * Fixed bug #15727: Clean-up for PageRenderer
    * Fixed bug #15690: Change text of exception in t3lib_cache_frontend_stringfrontend

2010-10-06  Stanislas Rolland  &lt;typo3@sjbr.ca&gt;

    * Fixed bug #15858: htlmArea RTE: Stylesheet access error in Google Chrome 7
    * Follow-up to bug #15858: htlmArea RTE: Stylesheet access error in Google Chrome 7
    * Fixed bug #15774: Inserting an abbr/acronym that is not predefined deletes the abbreviated phrase

2010-10-06  Steffen Kamper  &lt;steffen@typo3.org&gt;

    * Fixed bug #15917: Parse error in Adminpanel in 4.3.7 (Thanks to Ingo Schmitt)