TYPO3 4.5.36

Release Notes

Version 4.5.36

This version is not supported anymore.

The TYPO3 CMS community supported from 2011-02-02 until 2011-10-25. Extended security & compatibility support (ELTS) expired on 2014-10-25.

Please consider updating to a newer version.

Release Notes for TYPO3 CMS 4.5.36

This document contains information about TYPO3 CMS 4.5.36 which was released on September 23rd, 2014.


This release is a bug fix release.


This is part of a combined release of TYPO3 CMS 4.5.36, 6.1.11 and 6.2.5.



MD5 checksums

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88550b431a392fd4fd4a813e23c9a4a8  typo3_src-4.5.36.zip


The usual upgrading procedure applies. No database updates are necessary.


Here is a list of what was fixed since [4.5.35](TYPO3_CMS_4.5.35 "wikilink"):

2014-09-23  95c2cc4                  [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.5.36 (TYPO3 Release Team)
2014-09-20  ad8c5c4  #37946          [BUGFIX] Check if TER dump exists before modify time check (Jigal van Hemert)
2014-09-20  b2597fd  #55457          [BUGFIX] RTE on first new IRRE record keeps loading in IE (Stanislas Rolland)
2014-08-23  3f3c45e  #60199          [BUGFIX] Collect correct information on elements in page (Jigal van Hemert)
2014-07-08  cd486c4                  [TASK] Set TYPO3 version to 4.5.36-dev (TYPO3 Release Team)