TYPO3 4.5.5

Release Notes

Version 4.5.5

This version is not supported anymore.

The TYPO3 CMS community supported from 2011-02-02 until 2011-10-25. Extended security & compatibility support (ELTS) expired on 2014-10-25.

Please consider updating to a newer version.

Release Notes for TYPO3 4.5.5

This document contains information about TYPO3 version 4.5.5 which was released on August 16, 2011.


This release is a maintenance releases and contains bugfixes only.


This release aims to fix two regressions that have been introduced with the provious releases at end of July 2011:

  • #28536: The JavaScript command of popup windows in the frontend has been encoded twice.
  • #28847: The fontTag security fix lead to a breaking change, if the default TypoScript for lib.stdheader has been modified. A compatibility fix has been integrated to have a secure fallback, if the fontTag property was customized (see this blog article to get more information).



MD5 checksums

8359006684281cf687048a9f84e81c6f  blankpackage-4.5.5.tar.gz
6b245dcd53e9739952860179e8f67888  blankpackage-4.5.5.zip
aec00d133e23354ec54c5f3f177bf790  dummy-4.5.5.tar.gz
640894e3fc6b7606b7e09ec16049d3ef  dummy-4.5.5.zip
115b575dd7890719f8f8a14429326262  introductionpackage-4.5.5.tar.gz
26475e843254eae535cd23cd2d0aac4d  introductionpackage-4.5.5.zip
9c32bb40817bdc1d7cc9ecf796ff6b5f  typo3_src+dummy-4.5.5.zip
d135fd9db8bfb59e94ec9918bf8b149b  typo3_src-4.5.5.tar.gz
2d11315cf6a58895baef142b6e21758b  typo3_src-4.5.5.zip


The usual upgrading procedure applies. No database updates are necessary.


2011-08-16  822b102            [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.5.5 (TYPO3 v4 Release Team)
2011-08-16  a06d2bf  #28992    [TASK] Merge changes from linkvalidator (Philipp Gampe)
2011-08-12  05485f1  #28946    [BUGFIX] Unit tests for tslib_content query arguments fail (Oliver Hader)
2011-08-12  c908a65  #28847    [BUGFIX] Maintain compatibility with changed headline rendering (Helmut Hummel)
2011-08-11  67c468c  #27028    [BUGFIX] Wrong usage of Ext.encodeURL in TBE_EDITOR.rawurlencode (Marco Huber)
2011-08-08  a19e814  #28820    [BUGFIX] RTE Spellchecker dialogue fails to open in IE (Stanislas Rolland)
2011-08-07  9402d65  #28497,   [BUGFIX] htmlArea RTE: Relative url&#039;s on pasted links/images in Firefox (Stanislas Rolland)
2011-08-06  d9f974f            [BUGFIX] RTE Remove format: German fieldset legend does not wrap in IE (Stanislas Rolland)
2011-08-06  ab93734            [BUGFIX] Colors not selectable in RTE table properties with IE 7/8 (Stanislas Rolland)
2011-08-05  f8a2299  #22434    [BUGFIX] Wrong link if felogin reset password (Francois Suter)
2011-08-04  81424d9  #28767    [BUGFIX] htmlArea RTE: .titleText not localized to English (Stanislas Rolland)
2011-08-03  45632c9  #26876    [BUGFIX] Unprivileged backend user can read arbitrarily from database (Helmut Hummel)
2011-08-02  dc3c35e            [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TYPO3 v4 Release Team)
2011-08-02  2785a3d  #27755    [BUGFIX] Mirror selection is not respected (Xavier Perseguers)
2011-08-01  f883369  #28323    [BUGFIX] Cache FileBackend does not respect fileCreateMask (Steffen Gebert)
2011-07-31  967873b  #28625    [BUGFIX] ImageMagick path detection fails on Mac OS X (Oliver Hader)
2011-07-31  05444fc  #26091    [BUGFIX] Call to stdWrap() of non-existant $this-&gt;cObj in GifBuilder (Steffen Gebert)
2011-07-31  3dd4d3b  #28330    [BUGFIX] Error when opening TYPO3 manual (Markus Klein)
2011-07-30  2dd253d  #28536    [BUGFIX] JSwindow-typolink URLs are encoded twice (Helmut Hummel)
2011-07-30  1ed09f6  #13267    [BUGFIX] Extension Manager: Cursor on hover of required extensions (Mario Rimann)
2011-07-29  21135b4            [BUGFIX] htmlArea RTE: localized acronym popup window misses window title (Stanislas Rolland)
2011-07-28  07935f0  #28499    [FEATURE] Backport t3lib_utility_Version (Xavier Perseguers)
2011-07-27  9f5d362            [TASK] Set TYPO3 version to 4.5.5-dev (TYPO3 v4 Release Team)
2011-07-27  440818d            [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.5.4 (TYPO3 v4 Release Team)