TYPO3 6.2.4
Release Notes
This version is not supported anymore.
The TYPO3 CMS community supported from 2014-03-25 until 2017-04-04. Extended security & compatibility support (ELTS) expired on 2021-03-31.
Please consider updating to a newer version.
Release Notes for TYPO3 CMS 6.2.4
This document contains information about TYPO3 CMS 6.2.4 which was released on July 8th, 2014.
This release is a bug fix release.
This is part of a combined release of TYPO3 CMS 4.5.35, 6.1.10 and 6.2.4.
MD5 checksums
0f970b4fc7dfdcf62181713f9ea8d8e5 typo3_src-6.2.4.tar.gz
96e18faf537d9ded3d47ff4859342dcf typo3_src-6.2.4.zip
The usual upgrading procedure applies. No database updates are necessary.
Here is a list of what was fixed since [6.2.3](TYPO3_CMS_6.2.3 "wikilink"):
2014-07-08 4e3cb90 [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 6.2.4 (TYPO3 Release Team)
2014-07-08 2eb245b #60179 [BUGFIX] Fix wrong type hint for emitAfterExtensionT3DImportSignal() (Markus Klein)
2014-07-08 3e1a8f5 #58357 [BUGFIX] Superfluous SQL queries on copying records (Oliver Hader)
2014-07-08 560793e #49391,#57979 [BUGFIX] Followup to read only filemounts (Helmut Hummel)
2014-07-08 63de059 #49391,#57979 [BUGFIX] Re-introduce read-only file mounts (Lorenz Ulrich)
2014-07-08 f746410 #48939,#49055 [BUGFIX] Movements pollute colPos value of content elements (Nicole Cordes)
2014-07-08 99f1221 #60172 [TASK] Update phpdoc @return of exec_SELECTgetSingleRow() (Markus Klein)
2014-07-07 fed2787 #48943,#31637 [BUGFIX] TCA: handle select renderMode=tree with minitems=1 AND maxitems=1 (Alexander Bigga)
2014-07-07 a026f18 #55835 [BUGFIX] Fix suggest wizard item selection (Benoit Chenu)
2014-07-07 f31e4f0 #59959 [BUGFIX] LiveSearchToolbarItem not initialized correctly (Gernot Schulmeister)
2014-07-07 7868535 #60119 [BUGFIX] Fix position of buttons in RTE full screen mode (Markus Klein)
2014-07-07 f5c01b2 #59999 [TASK] Refactor extension upload controller (Nicole Cordes)
2014-07-07 ba4b915 #54843 [BUGFIX] Suggest Wizard: support for PAGE_TSCONFIG_*-values in addWhere (Julian Hofmann)
2014-07-07 1d3a315 #60133 [TASK] Move signals to own emit functions (Nicole Cordes)
2014-07-07 23e6073 #57575 [BUGFIX] Report migration errors in TceformsUpdateWizard (Steffen Müller)
2014-07-07 108f070 #54414 [BUGFIX] Detect missing files in empty storage (Robert Vock)
2014-07-07 103d13d #59664 [BUGFIX] Wrong image reference handling during flexform copying (Alexey Gafiulov)
2014-07-07 3a8ffa2 #21396 [FEATURE] Add signal slots to SoftReferenceIndex (Alexander Stehlik)
2014-07-06 7358656 #55173 [TASK] Optimize invocation of cObj::checkIf (Oliver Hader)
2014-07-06 5b59fd4 #59642 [BUGFIX] Suggest wizard doesn't work in page flexforms (Bernhard Kraft)
2014-07-06 93a54c8 #51189 [BUGFIX] Remove non-needed URL parameter for standard search (Tomita Militaru)
2014-07-06 1595996 #59890 [BUGFIX] Support dots in page.meta (Markus Klein)
2014-07-06 7967f0c #59775 [CLEANUP] Ensure all variables are set before usage (Markus Klein)
2014-07-06 37308e7 [TASK] Travis-ci: Disable apc in PHP 5.3 (Christian Kuhn)
2014-07-06 bb6fe01 #60128 [CLEANUP] ext_emconf files (Christian Kuhn)
2014-07-06 a29e3a2 #58365 [TASK] Remove unused EM_CONF variables (Benjamin Mack)
2014-07-06 c69e86c #60127 [BUGFIX] ClearCacheOnLoad camelCased does not work (Susanne Moog)
2014-07-06 777086e #59963 [BUGFIX] Replace module token in be shortcut returnUrl (Frans Saris)
2014-07-06 78af750 #59965 [BUGFIX] Allow colon in TypoScript key (Markus Klein)
2014-07-06 cf0542c #16392 [BUGFIX] Page-TSconfig ###PAGE_TSCONFIG_STR### not evaluated correctly (Wouter Wolters)
2014-07-06 9ba1a5d #59837 [BUGFIX] Sysext form uses old TCA (Markus Klein)
2014-07-06 5dbd36d #60106 [BUGFIX] Extensionmanager: Dependency errors are not reset (Nicole Cordes)
2014-07-06 f1878cc #59911 [TASK] Update ADOdb to 5.19 (Andreas Fernandez)
2014-07-05 7b6e91f #59974 [BUGFIX] Missing label for EM "update"-dependency (Markus Klein)
2014-07-05 a486a09 #59700 [TASK] Re-add unit tests for ExtensionCompatibilityTester (Susanne Moog)
2014-07-05 c11cec6 #59975 [BUGFIX] Correctly check stack in DownloadQueue (Markus Klein)
2014-07-05 791c36a #59865 [BUGFIX] Fix position of TCEforms required field icon (Frans Saris)
2014-07-05 d37922c #60120 [BUGFIX] Incomplete mock in ext:install (Christian Kuhn)
2014-07-05 e68e7b1 #60122 [BUGFIX] Warning in addPlugin() (Christian Kuhn)
2014-07-05 bca9f4c #60121 [TASK] Clean up buildBaseTcaFromSingleFiles() (Christian Kuhn)
2014-07-05 7b1ba4c #56250 [BUGFIX] Removed clickMenu code around header icon in info window (Frans Saris)
2014-07-05 8de6fa5 #59464 [BUGFIX] Move TCA modification of EXT:core to TCA/Overrides. (Anja Leichsenring)
2014-07-05 aef174f #59704 [BUGFIX] Move TCA modification of saltedpasswords to TCA/Overrides (Anja Leichsenring)
2014-07-05 c1ae3d1 #59938 [BUGFIX] Empty class selector crashes Update image (Francois Suter)
2014-07-05 ba3b1f2 #59857 [TASK] Cleanup EXT:version (Wouter Wolters)
2014-07-05 b3c618d #59631 [BUGFIX] Updating deactivated extensions installs them (Nicole Cordes)
2014-07-05 31abaaa #59462 [BUGFIX] Move TCA modification of EXT:felogin to TCA/Overrides. (Jost Baron)
2014-07-05 df8c2a8 #60116 [BUGFIX] Init variable in GeneralUtility::createVersionNumberedFilename (Jost Baron)
2014-07-05 d17bfef #60115 [BUGFIX] Use string as constant name in FormProtectionFactory. (Jost Baron)
2014-07-05 6edae9c #59466 [BUGFIX] Move TCA modification of EXT:form to TCA/Overrides. (Anja Leichsenring)
2014-07-05 3d02cee #59705 [BUGFIX] Move TCA modification of EXT:t3editor to TCA/Overrides (Anja Leichsenring)
2014-07-05 e8b30f8 #59463 [BUGFIX] Move TCA modification of EXT:cms to TCA/Overrides. (Anja Leichsenring)
2014-07-05 62f3155 #59698 [BUGFIX] Move TCA modification of EXT:openid to TCA/Overrides (Anja Leichsenring)
2014-07-05 a8e6b67 #59465 [BUGFIX] Move TCA modification of EXT:csc to TCA/Overrides (Anja Leichsenring)
2014-07-05 b29e9ca #59468 [BUGFIX] Move TCA modification of indexed_search to TCA/Overrides (Anja Leichsenring)
2014-07-05 3b213fb #60033 [BUGFIX] Tooltip for a shortcut in list view shows id=0 (Wouter Wolters)
2014-07-05 34feddb #60109 [BUGFIX] Give extension key to addPlugin() in registerPlugin() (Christian Kuhn)
2014-07-05 c7dbd9f #60110 [TASK] Unit tests to addPlugin() (Anja Leichsenring)
2014-07-03 c7d1d07 #59412 [BUGFIX] Fix property access for ObjectStorage (Markus Klein)
2014-07-02 43ee6f8 #59813 [BUGFIX] Fix usergroup condition in user TSconfig (Markus Klein)
2014-07-02 cfc2f89 #60065 [BUGFIX] Two png files should have filemode 664 (Martin Bless)
2014-07-02 bf06273 #60059 [TASK] Create a Getter for CacheManager inside Datahandler (Stefano Kowalke)
2014-07-02 f1b5020 #60053 [BUGFIX] Workspace not always applied in RelationHandler queries (Oliver Hader)
2014-07-02 dfcec4d #31757 [BUGFIX] Create workspace label placeholder that matches field conditions (Sascha Egerer)
2014-07-02 2e60690 #59671 [BUGFIX] IRRE records are listed comma separated (Thomas Löffler)
2014-07-01 8a3de42 #59950 [BUGFIX] Prevent spaces in BE shortcut to be replaced by + char (Frans Saris)
2014-07-01 b1e2259 #59692 [BUGFIX] Fix RTE width (Markus Klein)
2014-07-01 331002e #59898 [TASK] Add action selector in toolbar in workspaces menu (Oliver Hader)
2014-07-01 1aa6c01 #59775 [CLEANUP] Update phpdoc for all FormEngine members (Markus Klein)
2014-07-01 ae77473 #59775 [CLEANUP] FormEngine: Use getters for global objects (Markus Klein)
2014-07-01 a033091 #59893,#59957 [BUGFIX] Let live search use getRecordTitle (Markus Klein)
2014-07-01 58331e5 #59994 [BUGFIX] Fix PHP warning in BackendUtility::getProcessedValue() (Markus Klein)
2014-07-01 062cdfe #59564,#59952 [BUGFIX] Show errors on distribution installation (Sascha Egerer)
2014-07-01 f388300 #59991 [BUGFIX] Use correct array structure for EM error messages (Sascha Egerer)
2014-06-30 ecbe0ee #59916 [TASK] Re-work/simplify copyright header in JS files (Michael Schams)
2014-06-30 8c58f8c #57163 [BUGFIX] Unique IDs for pagetree root nodes (Alexander Stehlik)
2014-06-29 f11fddb Revert "[TASK] Rebuild the calcAge functionality" (Christian Kuhn)
2014-06-29 b3b4362 #59770 [TASK] Remove TCA building aspect and move code to bootstrap (Christian Kuhn)
2014-06-29 bcd44e7 #59770 [TASK] Add extension key to API (Helmut Hummel)
2014-06-29 4c52cb3 #20016 [TASK] Rebuild the calcAge functionality (Alexander Opitz)
2014-06-29 3dd47a8 [TASK] Improve travis notifications to channels (Helmut Hummel)
2014-06-29 1c195f1 #59977 [BUGFIX] Create required directories in test bootstrap (Sebastian Bergmann)
2014-06-29 c3bee34 #59838 [TASK] Update Travis CI notification settings (Michael Stucki)
2014-06-28 f119e67 #59967 [BUGFIX] Fix insufficient mocking in ContentObjectRenderer (Markus Klein)
2014-06-28 521b346 #59392 [BUGFIX] Gifbuilder: Fix image-mask-functionality (Stefan Neufeind)
2014-06-28 d0689f1 #58763 [TASK] Add a function for clearing the rootline caches (Oliver Klee)
2014-06-28 5ea7a88 #59946 [BUGFIX] BE shortcuts do not show up for editors (Frans Saris)
2014-06-28 e92c868 #59958 [TASK] Use stable phpunit 4.1 instead of master (Christian Kuhn)
2014-06-25 554cba5 #59514 [TASK] Add more files in gitignore file (Fabien Udriot)
2014-06-24 5d3608c #59037 [BUGFIX] Fix RewriteRule for context to avoid HTTP 500 (Armin Ruediger Vieweg)
2014-06-24 f1c270a #59831 Revert "[BUGFIX] Fix loading order for extensions" (Markus Klein)
2014-06-23 3b2fcb4 #59794 [BUGFIX] FollowUp: Fix signal returns for associated signal arguments (Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2014-06-23 27b5433 #59655 [BUGFIX] Fix a JS error in with TCE select wizard (Rémy DANIEL)
2014-06-23 c78a2e0 #47183 [BUGFIX] Make Extbase respect sys_language_mode=strict (Georg Ringer)
2014-06-22 c14b3fd #59794 [BUGFIX] Fix signal returns for associated signal arguments (Nicole Cordes)
2014-06-22 44a6124 #59785 [TASK] Re-work/simplify copyright header in PHP files - Part 9 (Michael Schams)
2014-06-22 4b6fcd5 #59784 [TASK] Re-work/simplify copyright header in PHP files - Part 8 (Michael Schams)
2014-06-22 d2bc550 #59783 [TASK] Re-work/simplify copyright header in PHP files - Part 7 (Michael Schams)
2014-06-22 8c9a62b #59782 [TASK] Re-work/simplify copyright header in PHP files - Part 6 (Michael Schams)
2014-06-22 e6cb893 #59781 [TASK] Re-work/simplify copyright header in PHP files - Part 5 (Michael Schams)
2014-06-22 49b7aca #59780 [TASK] Re-work/simplify copyright header in PHP files - Part 4 (Michael Schams)
2014-06-22 62f120b #59779 [TASK] Re-work/simplify copyright header in PHP files - Part 3 (Michael Schams)
2014-06-22 41322e3 #59778 [TASK] Re-work/simplify copyright header in PHP files - Part 2 (Michael Schams)
2014-06-22 60d74e7 #59777 [TASK] Re-work/simplify copyright header in PHP files - Part 1 (Michael Schams)
2014-06-22 8f938a1 #59535 [TASK] Merge GPL.txt and LICENSE.txt (Markus Klein)
2014-06-22 10d4793 #58728 Revert "[BUGFIX] Inaccessible pages on shortcuts/PageNotFound handler" (Helmut Hummel)
2014-06-22 70c9baf #59774 [TASK] Introduce unique signal registration (Nicole Cordes)
2014-06-22 c077951 #59147 [BUGFIX] Fix loading order for extensions (Markus Klein)
2014-06-22 faa7bdb #58995 [CLEANUP] Clean code in FormEngine (Sebastian Michaelsen)
2014-06-21 16f2644 #59773 [BUGFIX] Remove misspelled setting rootlevel for sys_file_collection (Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2014-06-21 e35a34b #59703 [TASK] Signal for BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig() (Alexander Stehlik)
2014-06-21 4aa8f07 #58826 [BUGFIX] Prevent error message for correct imports of sys_file_metadata (Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2014-06-21 6053d15 #59344 [BUGFIX] Fix empty globalString LIT condition comparison (Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2014-06-20 9ebf372 #58841 [BUGFIX] Don't ignore file imports in fallback storage (Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2014-06-20 7c930da #49036 [BUGFIX] Treat link handler links as internal URLs (Alexander Stehlik)
2014-06-20 7190cfd #59391 [TASK] Raise recommended max nesting level (Thomas Christiansen)
2014-06-20 7c5639a #59493 [BUGFIX] Check for logged in user before showing cookie warning (Tomita Militaru)
2014-06-20 cbd8a39 #59529 [BUGFIX] Make Functional tests work on fast machines (Tymoteusz Motylewski)
2014-06-20 75f9d41 #59685 [BUGFIX] Get unit tests working again (Markus Klein)
2014-06-20 b63c070 #59679 [TASK] Increase Extension Manager->showConfiguration input field width (Felix Kopp)
2014-06-19 03a084e #59423 [BUGFIX] Pass field name variable to flexform DS utility (Claus Due)
2014-06-19 29b0030 #58534 [BUGFIX] Remove warnings in ImportExportController.php (Nicole Cordes)
2014-06-19 ca201f3 #59583 [TASK] Extension manager: default sorting for Extensions (Felix Kopp)
2014-06-19 6fbac4b #59556 [TASK] Ensure that cli user is admin on extension install and uninstall (Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2014-06-19 08ab868 #51800 [BUGFIX] Fix RTE file links migration (Markus Klein)
2014-06-18 5ef754b #59568 [BUGFIX] Wrong check for showing folder clickmenu (Frans Saris)
2014-06-18 803a900 #57716 [BUGFIX] Typos in t3skin css files (Markus Klein)
2014-06-17 7420fc5 #59615 [BUGFIX] Correctly align datepicker clear input and trigger icon (Frans Saris)
2014-06-17 66af35a #59624 [BUGFIX] Undefined method in extension manager (Oliver Hader)
2014-06-17 3fe13cc #59114 [BUGFIX] Page tree does not visualize move targets (Oliver Hader)
2014-06-17 01efa5c #59118 [BUGFIX] Define precedence of states in workspace module (Oliver Hader)
2014-06-17 d3de5d5 #59143 [BUGFIX] Preview of moved workspace elements on source page (Oliver Hader)
2014-06-17 df11f01 #59614 Revert "[BUGFIX] Session cookie is not recreated on login" (Helmut Hummel)
2014-06-16 22e9d09 #59546 [BUGIFX] Field labels not shown in workspaces history (Oliver Hader)
2014-06-13 7c8b73d #59549 [BUGFIX] Broken tests due to modified PostProcessor constructor (Oliver Hader)
2014-06-13 8bd1988 #31951 [BUGFIX] Own Layout Breaks Mail Message (Cornel Boppart)
2014-06-13 26819f9 #59521 [TASK] Restructure functional frontend tests (Oliver Hader)
2014-06-12 35a93a9 #59276 [TASK] Integrate functional DataHandler tests for FAL (Oliver Hader)
2014-06-12 7f21712 #59110 [BUGFIX] Field size of t3ver_label too low (Oliver Hader)
2014-06-12 9f0a5b4 #59111 [BUGFIX] IRRE children's children are not moved with parent (Oliver Hader)
2014-06-12 4b44c2e #59016 [BUGFIX] Missing "all workspaces" tab action for regular editors (Oliver Hader)
2014-06-12 85f37a0 #59487 [TASK] Reduce complexity in frontend functional tests (Oliver Hader)
2014-06-12 ebce207 #59142 [BUGFIX] Preview links are shown for deleted pages (Oliver Hader)
2014-06-12 4477f27 #57454 [TASK] Trigger events in DragUploader (Stephan Schuler)
2014-06-12 a27b58b #25188 [BUGFIX] sys_news on login with twice hsc (Alexander Opitz)
2014-06-12 284c5a8 #59449 [BUGFIX] Unnecessary instantiation of objects in contentObjectRender (Tomas Norre Mikkelsen)
2014-06-12 eeaad61 #53450 [BUGFIX] AddQueryStringMethod overwrites parameters (Klaas Johan Kooistra)
2014-06-12 600a3ed #58316 [TASK] Add a system check for external downloads (Markus Klein)
2014-06-12 7c7792d #59498 [FEATURE] Display loading mask in Extension Manager (Zbigniew Jacko)
2014-06-11 df9399a #57369 [BUGFIX] TS/EM constant categories cannot be localized (Xavier Perseguers)
2014-06-11 27b85a4 #59504 [BUGFIX] Fix PHP Warning on executing Database Analyzer without changes (Stephan Großberndt)
2014-06-11 90b0b4a #58352,#47869 [BUGFIX] FollowUp to "Invalid localization overlay of cObject FILES" (Steffen Ritter)
2014-06-11 b8f385b #57280 [TASK] Add default TypoScript setting for extbase query cache (Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2014-06-11 8166213 #59154 [TASK] Detect and import xml file as well as t3d on ext initialization (Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2014-06-11 9290793 #59495 [BUGFIX] Fix set_no_cache() log level severity (Alexander Stehlik)
2014-06-11 d976053 #58352,#47869 [BUGFIX] Invalid localization overlay of cObject FILES (Oliver Hader)
2014-06-11 2f2c328 #54512 [TASK] EM: Add possibility to bypass system dependency checks (Nicole Cordes)
2014-06-11 14183c8 #59245 [BUGFIX] PAGE_TSCONFIG_ID is not visible in TCA wizards (Steffen Kamper)
2014-06-11 e7c1ea0 #59458 [BUGFIX] Erroneous date sorting in File List (Francois Suter)
2014-06-11 f66a4db #57230 [TASK] Activate 'Flush system caches' with Preset 'Development' (Zbigniew Jacko)
2014-06-11 ed5b0d1 #43916 [BUGFIX] File Relations don't work with workspaces (Benjamin Mack)
2014-06-11 944d335 #59295 [BUGFIX] Guard FAL API when called with invalid identifiers (Helmut Hummel)
2014-06-11 1682401 #59338 [TASK] Improve styling of sys_action "Create Backend User" (Lorenz Ulrich)
2014-06-11 81ec29a #59318 [BUGFIX] Add additional TS for contentRenderingTemplates loaded by file (Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2014-06-10 3d3b794 #46477 [BUGFIX] IRRE children show no field values with useCombination (Stefan Froemken)
2014-06-10 382457d #59397 [BUGFIX] Move TCA for fe_users and fe_groups into TCA/Overrides (Anja Leichsenring)
2014-06-10 7717507 #59041 [BUGFIX] Fetch RSA public key by Ajax before FE login (Frans Saris)
2014-06-10 b1f40e9 #58701 [TASK] FollowUp to "Include suggest info into package metadata" (Steffen Ritter)
2014-06-10 5442fe2 #58694 [BUGFIX] rtehtmlarea user settings are not shown in setup ext (Markus Klein)
2014-06-10 d8b4aae #57825 [TASK] Observe ext suggestions for ext loading order (Markus Klein)
2014-06-10 dce9981 #58701 [TASK] Include suggest info into package metadata (Markus Klein)
2014-06-07 81420f8 Revert "[TASK] Downgrade to PHPUnit 3.7.*" (Helmut Hummel)
2014-06-07 858ef83 #58956,#57472, [BUGFIX] Use delayedImportElement after uploading files (Frans Saris)
2014-06-06 7a876dd [TASK] Downgrade to PHPUnit 3.7.* (Helmut Hummel)
2014-06-06 40219c6 #59324 [BUGFIX] Fix command description (Mathias Brodala)
2014-06-06 b9cb451 #37467 [BUGFIX] getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SSL') fails to detect reverseProxyIp (Jan-Erik Revsbech)
2014-06-06 d15687b #59294 [TASK] Enhance resource storage hooks (Alexander Stehlik)
2014-06-05 c578d47 #55731 [BUGFIX] Unified maxitems default value for group fields (Alexander Stehlik)
2014-06-05 3b5196b #58339 [BUGFIX] Admin panel extGetFeAdminValue() overrides are wrong (Markus Klein)
2014-06-05 795fa7f #54925 [BUGFIX] Disabled backend users shown for workspace stage change (Stefan Rotsch)
2014-06-05 1c766e7 #59375 [BUGFIX] Show images in preview of page module (Frans Saris)
2014-06-05 06af78d #59374 [CLEANUP] Add missing PHP comments in class LogoView (Fabien Udriot)
2014-06-05 2105c6f #59372 [BUGFIX] Improve the formatting of help of the CommandController (Stefano Kowalke)
2014-06-05 928b165 #59364 [BUGFIX] Illegal string offset 'uid' in TypoScriptFrontendController (Robert Vock)
2014-06-05 49b7ac4 #59277 [BUGFIX] Warning in SearchController (Christian Zenker)
2014-06-05 79bbd9a #58148 [BUGFIX] Show content elements from hidden pages in preview (Markus Klein)
2014-06-04 15c2614 #59343 [BUGFIX] Fix frontend unit tests if executed standalone (Helmut Hummel)
2014-06-04 13104c3 #57798 [BUGFIX] Show storage and folder of file/folder (Frans Saris)
2014-06-03 67dbe5b #57302,#57832 [BUGFIX] Show file instead of file_reference info (Frans Saris)
2014-06-03 c14e786 #55320 [BUGFIX] List module pagination broken (Markus Klein)
2014-06-03 1355d8b #59321 [BUGFIX] Old TYPO3 logo still in use in ext:workspaces (Wouter Wolters)
2014-06-03 59f7440 #59185 [BUGFIX] DataHandler::log() must not return NULL (Markus Klein)
2014-06-03 8454a69 #58761 [TASK] Check and use current file hash and size on export (Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2014-06-03 44b1866 #58682 [BUGFIX] Use created folder object for adding images in impexp (Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2014-06-03 a40a196 #59199 [BUGFIX] ElementBrowser: correct link attributes (Markus Klein)
2014-06-03 50b8eff #59302 [BUGFIX] Fix wrong JS function name in RTE (Markus Klein)
2014-06-03 f432417 #59303 [BUGFIX] Canonicalize path before checking existence (Nils Blattner)
2014-06-03 8fe6901 #58755 [BUGFIX] Request update broken for select fields (Francois Suter)
2014-06-02 1e6c954 #59263 [BUGFIX] TCA maxitems for FAL permissions wrong (Markus Klein)
2014-06-02 9af2142 [BUGFIX] Make object access work with ObjectStorage (Helmut Hummel)
2014-06-01 1d23e5e #58713 [BUGFIX] Keep session cookie if session data is present (Helmut Hummel)
2014-05-30 d357653 #59163 [BUGFIX] Always add wrapping div if dividers2tabs is disabled (Frans Saris)
2014-05-29 40b0ac5 #59203 [BUGFIX] Do not use self:: within closures (Markus Klein)
2014-05-29 e5eb4b4 #58910 [BUGFIX] Flexform element title is cropped to hardcoded length (Sebastian Michaelsen)
2014-05-29 6deca0f #58485 [BUGFIX] Admin panel text selection (Goran Medakovic)
2014-05-29 9ffc786 #59001 [TASK] Use self:: where possible in GeneralUtility (Sebastian Michaelsen)
2014-05-29 3a1fd2b #59087 [BUGFIX] Fix redirect to install tool in new installations (Markus Klein)
2014-05-29 f377c8f #58640 [BUGFIX] EM: Handle missing dependencies in emconf (Markus Klein)
2014-05-29 5e6359d #58756 [BUGFIX] Indexed search static call to non-static function (Markus Klein)
2014-05-28 8bdcbc1 #59187 [BUGFIX] Correct minor typo in "About TYPO3 CMS" (Michael Schams)
2014-05-28 cf9ca27 #57063 [BUGFIX] Parent language is not applied to new child records (David Greiner)
2014-05-28 552e8b2 #59160 [BUGFIX] Added missing TCEforms palette-header padding (Frans Saris)
2014-05-26 ee89674 #59059 [BUGFIX] New content elements are always stored on pid 0 (Nicole Cordes)
2014-05-23 9a47bd2 #58371 [BUGFIX] Inserting custom element in RTE throws exception (Stanislas Rolland)
2014-05-23 03bf947 #52272 [BUGFIX] Alternative implementations for view helpers do not work (Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2014-05-23 68751f6 #58912 [TASK] Raise maximum settable numbers in export (Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2014-05-23 ef2ec95 #59006 [CLEANUP] Code cleanup for LanguageService (Sebastian Michaelsen)
2014-05-23 28fa581 #57405 [BUGFIX] Fix saving non public export presets (Marc Bastian Heinrichs)
2014-05-23 38b178b #58809 [BUGFIX] Set default permissions for new files to 0664 (Caspar Stuebs)
2014-05-23 6118ac5 #58569,#58986 [BUGFIX] Fix url for youtube embeds (Thomas Löffler)
2014-05-22 0c692c9 #58936 [BUGFIX] Wrong HTML in locallang_csh_pages.xlf (Markus Klein)
2014-05-22 bb15d44 #57447 [BUGFIX] Fix relative path resolution in include static (Markus Klein)
2014-05-22 c87150d #57918 [BUGFIX] PathUtility::get...FileOrPath() does not work with basepath (Markus Klein)
2014-05-22 c10bcb8 #59022 [BUGFIX] Fix failing unit tests for HTTP host check in CLI mode (Helmut Hummel)
2014-05-22 ff4db83 [TASK] Set TYPO3 version to 6.2.4-dev (TYPO3 Release Team)