TYPO3 7.6.52 ELTS

Release Notes

Version 7.6.52 ELTS

This version is not supported anymore.

The TYPO3 CMS community supported from 2015-11-10 until 2018-11-27. Extended security & compatibility support (ELTS) expired on 2022-11-30.

Please consider updating to a newer version.

Release Notes for TYPO3 CMS 7.6.52

This document contains information about TYPO3 CMS 7.6.52 which was released on 20.07.2021.

Get TYPO3 7.6.52 now

Checksums of TYPO3 7.6.52


6e8792f7ccb886a9de9cd380158c2921fed01fa134efaac34618ea9f47dc0589 typo3_src-7.6.52.tar.gz
10454e1489fe8a3c2ec7443868b125653a5a1f583e6ecca6395deb4d2682adbd typo3_src-7.6.52.zip


63b6438ebb966c9eb49b30016ded101b8c505185 typo3_src-7.6.52.tar.gz
40f3f6fe188c73db6083502ab3407e87edb32b6b typo3_src-7.6.52.zip


2652efd5ae9382e5a9799d224c326fa0 typo3_src-7.6.52.tar.gz
e6d647517c3911a4df2b58abf9e73445 typo3_src-7.6.52.zip

Package Signatures

TYPO3 Release Packages (the downloadable tarballs and zip files) as well as Git tags are signed using PGP signatures during the automated release process. Besides that, MD5 and SHA2-256 hashes are being generated for these files. Find more details on verifying signatures and hashes in the infrastructure guide.

Download GPG signed release README.md file

Example of verifying integrity of tar.gz package of current release:

wget --content-disposition https://get.typo3.org/7.6.52/tar.gz
wget --content-disposition https://get.typo3.org/7.6.52/tar.gz.sig
gpg --verify typo3_src-7.6.52.tar.gz.sig typo3_src-7.6.52.tar.gz


The usual upgrading procedure applies. No database updates are necessary. It might be required to clear all caches; the "important actions" section in the TYPO3 Install Tool offers the accordant possibility to do so.


  • 2021-07-20 e4cb5dfb7e [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 7.6.52 (thanks to Andreas Fernandez)
  • 2021-07-20 7f77c92e8f [SECURITY] Do not log sensitive data in authentication process (thanks to Oliver Hader)
  • 2021-07-20 19f180ad62 [TASK] Skip another SVG sanitizer test causing seg fault (thanks to Christian Kuhn)
  • 2021-07-20 c052a2b4d2 [TASK] Skip SVG sanitizer test causing segmentation fault (thanks to Oliver Hader)
  • 2021-07-20 21bfa4d949 [TASK] Mitigate downstream CSV code injection (thanks to Oliver Hader)
  • 2021-07-20 dfe25eb497 [BUGFIX] Correctly resolve best matching FAL storage (thanks to Oliver Hader)
  • 2021-07-19 0bad5fa979 [TASK] Introduce SVG Sanitizer (thanks to Oliver Hader)
  • 2021-07-16 39784adc78 [TASK] Use latest possible php-cs-fixer and add CGL check to CI (thanks to Andreas Fernandez)
  • 2021-07-16 6a75a5663e [TASK] Backport local test suite (thanks to Andreas Fernandez)
  • 2021-07-16 1f66d8ac71 [BUGFIX] Remove invalid declare(strict_types) from test file (thanks to Andreas Fernandez)
  • 2021-07-01 7dbebe8dea [BUGFIX] Revert htmlspecialchars in ViewHelpers in some cases (thanks to Andreas Fernandez)
  • 2021-06-29 c25eedb84f [BUGFIX] Avoid exception when trying to download a non-existing file (thanks to Oliver Hader)
  • 2021-03-16 dcabb75592 [TASK] Set TYPO3 version to 7.6.52-dev (thanks to Andreas Fernandez)