TYPO3 7.6.10
Release Notes
This version is not supported anymore.
The TYPO3 CMS community supported from 2015-11-10 until 2018-11-27. Extended security & compatibility support (ELTS) expired on 2022-11-30.
Please consider updating to a newer version.
Release Notes for TYPO3 CMS 7.6.10
This document contains information about TYPO3 CMS 7.6.10 which was released on July 19th, 2016.
This release is a combined bug fix and security release.
Find more details in the security bulletins:
- <https://typo3.org/teams/security/security-bulletins/typo3-core/typo3-core-sa-2016-014/>
- <https://typo3.org/teams/security/security-bulletins/typo3-core/typo3-core-sa-2016-015/>
- <https://typo3.org/teams/security/security-bulletins/typo3-core/typo3-core-sa-2016-016/>
- <https://typo3.org/teams/security/security-bulletins/typo3-core/typo3-core-sa-2016-017/>
- <https://typo3.org/teams/security/security-bulletins/typo3-core/typo3-core-sa-2016-018/>
MD5 checksums
b0271dd4914e5e769298a0804fe53f58 typo3_src-7.6.10.tar.gz
98a718c492de55ab682c46a977148e85 typo3_src-7.6.10.zip
SHA256 checksums
0e5e45d8a5cc2928f799922602ba2899dda2cda1d9eca4f79b7f4a8cdd010286 typo3_src-7.6.10.tar.gz
88974cc8d9d6088258442ca72047e6ee5f4a7066b605bbce7174cf55a3c15fd5 typo3_src-7.6.10.zip
The usual upgrading procedure applies. No database updates are necessary.\ It might be required to clear all caches; the “important actions” section in the TYPO3 Install Tool offers the accordant possibility to do so.
Here is a list of what was fixed since [7.6.9](TYPO3_CMS_7.6.9 "wikilink"):
2016-07-19 4722807 [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 7.6.10 (TYPO3 Release Team)
2016-07-19 257538a #76358 [SECURITY] Link fields accept Javascript code when using URI Data Scheme (Valentin Despa)
2016-07-19 7471988 #75933 [SECURITY] Prevent persistent username in filesystem (Wouter Wolters)
2016-07-19 6e35fee #75740 [SECURITY] SQLi in AuthenticationService (Andreas Fernandez)
2016-07-19 1374e99 #73461 [SECURITY][FEATURE] Disable import module for non admin users (Christian Kuhn)
2016-07-19 a333ce3 #76922 [SECURITY] Prevent XSS in IRRE elements (Nicole Cordes)
2016-07-19 1626732 #76344 [SECURITY] Escape the link text in EmailViewHelper (Wouter Wolters)
2016-07-19 7dc9baf #31244 [SECURITY] Prevent XSS in ContentObjectRenderer (Benni Mack)
2016-07-16 7dd9917 #76988 [BUGFIX] Use correct paste-into icons in file, list and page module (Frans Saris)
2016-07-16 bf5a0a5 #77123 [TASK] Fix composer branch alias for 7.6 branch (Helmut Hummel)
2016-07-15 c8ec129 #77085 [TASK] Better preview image quality for youtube videos (Raphael Graf)
2016-07-14 a4d6a76 #76616 [BUGFIX] Clean preview of collapsed flexform section (Jigal van Hemert)
2016-07-11 dd54663 #77029 [BUGFIX] Remove call to not existing function (Anja Leichsenring)
2016-07-11 35178d8 #76441 [BUGFIX] Index all file mounts in FAL indexer scheduler task (Hannes Bochmann)
2016-07-11 de4f139 #73565 [TASK] Move CompilableInterface to each condition ViewHelper (Claus Due)
2016-07-11 e64cc64 #76246 [BUGFIX] Adjust signature of PageTreeView::wrapIcon (Elmar Hinz)
2016-07-09 453bb0e #76990 [TASK] Remove direct usage of mb_ methods in the core (Georg Ringer)
2016-07-08 1a5f242 #76067 [BUGFIX] Enforce processing folder generation (Nicole Cordes)
2016-07-08 1170c42 Revert "[TASK] Update mso/idna-convert to 1.1.0" (Morton Jonuschat)
2016-07-07 2b4c588 #76790 [TASK] Update mso/idna-convert to 1.1.0 (Wouter Wolters)
2016-07-07 6c0ac42 #76984 [BUGFIX] Unsupported declare 'strict_types' (Christian Kuhn)
2016-07-07 53dd37a #76980 [BUGFIX] PHP 7.1 unit tests (Christian Kuhn)
2016-07-06 954713f #76888 [BUGFIX] Replace ###CURRENT_PID### with value from DB within FlexForms (Steffen Müller)
2016-07-06 6fa65d2 #76901 [BUGFIX] Reset SYS/exceptionalErrors in live preset (Benni Mack)
2016-07-06 e9273be #76480 [BUGFIX] Define 0 as a valid page id in Ext.ux.state.TreePanel (Andreas Fernandez)
2016-07-05 fca66d8 #76941 [BUGFIX] Prevent click event on IRRE localize/synchronize (Benni Mack)
2016-07-05 5a87774 #76947 [BUGFIX] Adodb: PHP 7.1 compatibility (Christian Kuhn)
2016-07-05 71e699a #76481 [BUGFIX] Prevent double escaping in quickedit menu (Benni Mack)
2016-07-02 0c18454 #73490 [BUGFIX] Field is not added to TCA if part of fieldname exists (Wouter Wolters)
2016-07-01 0901d60 #76889 [TASK] Drop composer API token from travis build (Helmut Hummel)
2016-06-30 323f0c3 #76881 [TASK] Fix phpdoc of FileRepository (Eric Chavaillaz)
2016-06-30 30328a5 #76815 [BUGFIX] Strip trailing slash from parsed doc comment (Helmut Hummel)
2016-06-30 e5e065b #76886 [BUGFIX] Increase db size of table pages field module (Christian Kuhn)
2016-06-29 ec361d0 #76707 [BUGFIX] Trigger login refresh submit manually (Andreas Fernandez)
2016-06-29 c8234de #76019 [BUGFIX] Handle missing option values in CHECKBOXGROUP and RADIOGROUP (Andreas Häfner)
2016-06-28 9fcc0c1 #75804 [BUGFIX] Correctly apply titleText set in RTE TSconfig (Jorgen van der Kroon)
2016-06-24 fbf828b #76788 [CLEANUP] Make URI Builder call readable in View Helpers (Helmut Hummel)
2016-06-24 847624a #76737 [TASK] Add cssLibs to pre processing hooks in page renderer (Daniel Dorndorf)
2016-06-23 9adb384 #74014 [BUGFIX] EXT:form - Fix setting of additional f:form arguments via TS (Ralf Zimmermann)
2016-06-23 e4c61c8 #76722 [BUGFIX] Fix wrong hideTable check in SuggestWizard (Georg Ringer)
2016-06-20 fa09dec #73218 [BUGFIX] EXT:form - mandatoryValidationMessages unset after submit (Ralf Zimmermann)
2016-06-20 966d98d #76628 [BUGFIX] Use BackendUtility::deleteClause in LinkAnalyzer (Georg Ringer)
2016-06-20 b46c7eb #76403 [BUGFIX] baseUrlWrap can handle url without scheme again (Wouter Wolters)
2016-06-17 b1043ab #75576 [BUGFIX] EXT:form - Fix broken inArray validator (Daniel Lorenz)
2016-06-15 1b8162a #76363 [BUGFIX] Make Install Tool forms submitable via keyboard (Markus Klein)
2016-06-13 e3c7f07 #76617 [BUGFIX] Raise minimum version for typo3/cms-composer-installers (Helmut Hummel)
2016-06-13 8a5d984 #76406 [BUGFIX] Prevent reset of user settings in getFromDottedNotation() (Daniel Goerz)
2016-06-11 e2cf3c9 #76561 [BUGFIX] Fix flexform inline record editing with empty uc (Jörg Bösche)
2016-06-10 289ce8d #76449 [TASK] Apply CGL compatibility (PSR-1 and PSR-2) (Wouter Wolters)
2016-06-09 7d68733 #76268 [BUGFIX] Improve domObjectId splitting for inline in flexform (Anja Leichsenring)
2016-06-08 452acbd #76432 [BUGFIX] Fix Livesearch for Editors (Marcus Schwemer)
2016-06-08 dce3f96 #76529 [BUGFIX] Wrong issue number reference in .rst file (Christian Kuhn)
2016-06-08 5b4dd0c #76500 [BUGFIX] Scheduler to show checkbox if "bool" typehint used in Controller (Roland Waldner)
2016-06-08 ebe80d6 #76302 [BUGFIX] Fix output of DebugUtility (Helmut Hummel)
2016-06-08 8d6fc73 #76242 [BUGFIX] Only check 'CType' when removing items from NewContentElementWizard (Morton Jonuschat)
2016-06-07 613e885 #76030 [BUGFIX] Allow to add custom styles for admin panel (Zbigniew Jacko)
2016-06-07 f1db2b3 #76456 [BUGFIX] Fix password evaluation for TCA input field (mtoscanelli)
2016-06-07 e6c3b1b #76031 [BUGFIX] getPageOverlay_preProcess respect changes done in hooks (Andreas Allacher)
2016-06-07 206256a #76482 [BUGFIX] Install Tool: target="_blank" on externals links (Ian SEBBAGH)
2016-06-07 0bfa764 #65789 [WIP][BUGFIX] Introduce exception for using offset without limit (Ian SEBBAGH)
2016-06-07 09c753a #75160 [TASK] Functional tests for LocalizationController (Andreas Fernandez)
2016-06-06 51d429d #73182 [BUGFIX] Make DataHandler aware of relations behind special=languages (Markus Klein)
2016-06-06 d000290 #76466 [BUGFIX] Add textmedia CE's bodytext to BE search (Markus Klein)
2016-06-06 8bf1077 #76445 [TASK] Install current version of mediace extension (Nicole Cordes)
2016-06-06 9f4c355 #76467 [TASK] Changes forge links to https (Thomas Löffler)
2016-06-06 3df26ac #76386 [BUGFIX] Ensure ordering of TS constants in editor (Markus Klein)
2016-06-06 2472c49 #76365 [TASK] Automatically select the custom preset when values are changed (Markus Klein)
2016-06-06 cf1a07c #76461 [BUGFIX] Render the creator of a record in ElementInformationController (Georg Ringer)
2016-06-05 1c94dc0 #70962 [BUGFIX] FAL relations duplicated when saving in workspaces (Andreas Wolf)
2016-06-05 06697b4 #76388 [BUGFIX] Do not manipulate minitems/maxitems (Markus Klein)
2016-06-04 a8adce7 #76147 [BUGFIX] Checkboxes with itemProcFunc are not saved (Anja Leichsenring)
2016-06-04 fc8026f #76444 [TASK] Use `enableMultiSelectFilterTextfield` in pages and tt_content (Andreas Fernandez)
2016-06-03 ca96906 #73574 [BUGFIX] Load CSH for flexforms again (Wouter Wolters)
2016-06-03 004913a #73754 [BUGFIX] Natural sorting for integer keys (Frank Naegler)
2016-06-03 447663e #66844 [BUGFIX] CSS inline style for image border gets corrupted after saving (Frank Naegler)
2016-06-02 7318ed5 #76415 [TASK] Remove wrong example in ShortcutButton (Wouter Wolters)
2016-06-01 4c46b1b #65570,#68998, [TASK] Exclude non-production files from Git archives (Mathias Brodala)
2016-05-31 35fab91 #76392 [BUGFIX] Display validation errors again in FormEngine (Markus Klein)
2016-05-30 2abfbed #76212 [BUGFIX] Ensure correct return type for AbstractFile getters (Markus Klein)
2016-05-30 86ba3d9 #76106 [BUGFIX] Use native Placeholder.js intead of the jQuery adapter (Wouter Wolters)
2016-05-29 a6da70d #76141 [BUGFIX] Allow typesList=0 when using makeCategorizable (Wouter Wolters)
2016-05-29 e23feb1 #75776 [TASK] Add hint what to do when a CSRF token check failed (Wouter Wolters)
2016-05-29 6ac9b75 #75520 [BUGFIX] Correct type for constants linkWrap height and width (Wouter Wolters)
2016-05-29 59fb4cc #76168 [TASK] Better explain when a cookie with a lifetime will be set (Wouter Wolters)
2016-05-28 3dc33af #76248 [BUGFIX] Remove unused variables from LiveSearch getRecordArray (Wouter Wolters)
2016-05-28 4bf141f #76267 [TASK] Display content_date in sys_file_metadata TCA (Stephan Großberndt)
2016-05-28 d9b393d #76352 [TASK] Use noncapturing expression for vendor|typo3_src in _.htaccess (Stephan Großberndt)
2016-05-28 e70f79a #76333 [BUGFIX] Add proper comments in DefaultConfiguration options (Benni Mack)
2016-05-28 3eed01e #76337 [BUGFIX] Do not add error flash messages twice (Helmut Hummel)
2016-05-27 e549bd9 #60173 [BUGFIX] Re-enables fileDenyPattern check for admin users (Torben Hansen)
2016-05-27 5bd1c24 #76329 [BUGFIX] Fix undefined property rUri in TableController (Wouter Wolters)
2016-05-27 9059b87 #75397 [BUGFIX] Fix broken disable overlay in FormEngine (Frank Naegler)
2016-05-27 3fccd6b #74125 [FOLLOWUP][BUGFIX] Check if `$rows` is an array before iteration (Andreas Fernandez)
2016-05-27 37a2a05 #74125 [BUGFIX] Check if `$rows` is an array before iteration (Andreas Fernandez)
2016-05-27 81cd2a0 #75912 [BUGFIX] Fix page permissions SQL clause in BackendConfigurationManager (Morton Jonuschat)
2016-05-26 8cd9228 #76303 [BUGFIX] Settings: Display titleLen and thumbsByDefault in editFunctionsTab (Markus Klein)
2016-05-26 f0afc16 #76288 [TASK] Improve rendering of file paths in reports (Georg Ringer)
2016-05-24 775d6a0 #76286 [BUGFIX] Suggest wizard inserts correct items again (Markus Klein)
2016-05-24 ba40520 #76098 [BUGFIX] Adds missing tablename sys_language in fetchOriginLanguage function (Marvin Dettinger)
2016-05-24 7d77b0b [TASK] Set TYPO3 version to 7.6.10-dev (TYPO3 Release Team)
Package Signatures
TYPO3 Release Packages (the downloadable tarballs and zip files) as well as Git tags are signed using PGP signatures during the automated release process. Besides that, MD5 and SHA2-256 hashes are being generated for these files. Find more details on verifying signatures and hashes in the infrastructure guide.
Download GPG signed release README.md file
Example of verifying integrity of tar.gz package of current release:
wget --content-disposition https://get.typo3.org/7.6.10/tar.gz wget --content-disposition https://get.typo3.org/7.6.10/tar.gz.sig gpg --verify typo3_src-7.6.10.tar.gz.sig typo3_src-7.6.10.tar.gz