TYPO3 9 ELTS (9.5.44 ELTS)

The legacy LTS release


Get TYPO3 9.5.44

Stay secure and up-to-date with TYPO3 ELTS!

The TYPO3 CMS community supported from 2018-10-02 until 2021-09-30.
Extend your support now until 2024-09-30 to get access to the latest security and compatibility updates for this version.

Learn more about TYPO3 ELTS Browse the TYPO3 ELTS Portal

Release Information

The legacy version with Long Term Support (LTS). It will receive security bugfixes until September 2021.


Sources for this version are only available if you have an active subscription to TYPO3 ELTS.

System Requirements

For more information and installation instructions read the Installation guide.

Operating System Linux, Microsoft Windows or macOS (this also includes hosting on all common cloud environments)
Webserver Apache httpd, Nginx, Microsoft IIS, Caddy Server
Supported Browsers Chrome (latest)
Edge (latest)
Firefox (latest)
Internet Explorer >= 11
Safari (latest)
Database MariaDB >= 10.0 <= 10.3
Microsoft SQL Server
MySQL >= 5.0 <= 5.7
Hardware RAM >= 256 MB
PHP PHP >= 7.2 <= 7.4

TYPO3 has been tested to work on the platforms listed above. Further setups are conceivable. Let us know which components we should add to the list.

Package Signatures - Verifying integrity of releases

TYPO3 Release Packages (the downloadable tarballs and zip files) as well as Git tags are signed using PGP signatures since TYPO3 v7 during the automated release process. Besides that, SHA1 and SHA2-256 hashes are being generated for these files. Find more details on verifying signatures and hashes in the infrastructure guide.

Checksums of TYPO3 9.5.44


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